The Ultimate Technology for Spider Veins
Veinlite Sclerotherapy
Veinlite guided sclerotherapy is a minimally-invasive form of sclerotherapy in which the Veinlite guides Dr. Yacob to the source of superficial spiders. The Veinlite transilluminates (lights up) veins below the skin, even vessels which may not be visible to the human eye, allowing Dr. Yacob to accurately map out the course of feeder vessels prior to injecting the spider veins. Feeder vessels are typically blue-green in color and are called reticular veins. Some feeder vessels can originate 4-8 cm away from where the spider is presented on the surface. Locating and closing all feeder vessels is a critical part of treating spider veins and ensuring that they do not recur.
Make it stand out.
In the video, you can see how the veinlite makes it easy to identify these spider veins that are hidden from the human eye. If these major ‘feeder’ veins are not treated, then patients often have recurrences of their spider veins. Veinlite has changed the landscape of spider vein treatment, and is considered the ultimate technology in identifying and treating spider veins.