The Precision of Ultrasound.
The Power of Sclerotherapy.


Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

All diseased veins – from the largest of varicose veins to the tiniest of spiders – are caused by abnormal leakage of blood through faulty valves located inside veins deep beneath the surface of the skin. Over time, this abnormal leakage of blood, also called reflux causes veins visible on the skin surface to enlarge and turn into diseased veins we call varicose veins and spiders. Sometimes, the veins we see on the surface are not the main veins causing the problems. This is where the ultrasound allows Dr. Yacob to look deep under the skin, to identify the veins responsible for your problems, and treat them right at the source. Compared to surgery or surface sclerotherapy, ultrasound guided sclerotherapy is associated with significantly less recurrence and less repeat treatment sessions. Indeed, ultrasound has emerged as a powerful weapon against stubborn varicose veins.

What does it looks like?

In this ultrasound video, you can see the needle approach from the left of the screen. Once it enters the vein, the sclerosing agent (white) is injected into the vein. As more is injected, you can see multiple veins filling with the sclerosing agent. This highlights the power of ultrasound as an incredible tool to have your veins identified and accurately treated.


Surface Sclerotherapy


Veinlite Sclerotherapy